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Learning/Conversation English

[영어로잘물어보기] 23. Would you like to have dinner with me? 저랑 저녁 드시겠어요?

마유영어 영어로 잘 물어보기

[Would you like to] ~하고 싶으세요?
Would you like to + 동사원형

Would you like to는 상대방에게 뭔가를 하고 싶을때
Do you want to보다 공손히 격식있게 질문한다.
그렇다고 Do you want to가 예의가 없는것은 아니다.

캐주얼:Do you want to try this?
이거 먹어보고 싶어요?

격식:would you like to try this?
이거 드셔보고 싶으세요?

마유영어 영어로 잘 물어보기

Would you like to try this?
이것을 시도해 보고 싶으신가요?
Would you like to come in?
들어오고 싶으신가요? 들어오시겠어요?
Would you like to eat with us?
저희랑 드시겠어요?
Would you like to have lunch together?
같이 점심 드시겠어요?
Would you like to play this game?
이 게임 하시겠어요?
Would you like to drink water?
물을 마시고 싶으세요?

*캐주얼한 느낌 연습하기
Do you want to play this game?
너 이 게임 하고싶니?
Do you want to order chiken?
너 치킨 주문하고싶니?

마유영어 영어로 잘 물어보기

1. Would you like to study together?
2. Would you like to drink coffee?
3. Would you like to have dinner with me?
4. Would you like to come to my party?
5. Would you like to walk with me?
6. Would you like to exercise together?
7. Would you like to watch a movie with us?
8. Would you like to dance with me?
9. Would you like to sing together?
10. Would you like to sit here?
11. Would you like to learn how to drive?
12. Would you like to go to Iteawon with me?
13. Would you like to drive this car?
14. Would you like to taste this cake?
15. Would you like to use our service?
16. Would you like to stay here?
17. Would you like to make a money with us?
18. Would you like to shere your story?
19. Would you like to try this diet program?
20. Would you like to go shopping with me?