Learning/Conversation English

[영어로잘대답하기] 16. I want to eat fried chicken. 나 후라이드치킨 먹고싶어 영어로

kanelbulle 2020. 2. 26. 18:03
입영작 영어로 잘 대답하기

[Want to] ~하고 싶다.
주어 + want + to 동사원형

자신이 하고 싶은 행도을 표현한다.
want to는 회화체에서 ’wanna’라는
슬랭으로 많이 쓰이기도 한다.

질문형 문장은
Do동사 + 주어 + want to 동사원형? 이다.

입영작 영어로 잘 대답하기

I want to eat fried chicken.
나는 프라이드 치킨을 먹고싶어.
I want to go to the bathroom.
나는 화장실 가고 싶어.
I want to kiss Olive.
나는 Olive에게 키스하고 싶어.

She wanted to ask Harry something.
그녀는 Harry에게 무언가를 묻고 싶었어.
He wanted to run away.
그는 도망가고 싶었어.
They wanted to drink last night.
그들은 지난 밤에 마시고 싶었어.

I don’t want to go shopping.
나는 쇼핑을 가고 싶지 않아.
She doesn’t want to work for you.
그녀는 너를 위해 일을 하고 싶지 않아.
I didn’t want to hug Kyle.
나는 Kyle를 안아주기 싫었어.

Does he want to drink?
그는 마시고 싶니?
Did you want to talk to me?
넌 나에게 말하고 싶었니?
Do you want to come with me?
넌 나랑 오고 싶니?

입영작 영어로 잘 대답하기

1. I want to live in Paris.
2. He wants to drink water.
3. We want to start a bussiness.
4. He wants to forget about everything.
5. Chris wants to get married with me.
6. I wanted to kiss my boyfriend.
7. He wanted to stay in San Francisco.
8. We wanted to ask you something.
9. They wanted to give up everything.
10. Edward wanted to forgive her.
11. I don’t want to know.
12. We don’t want to leave Seoul.
13. He doesn’t want to drive my car.
14. I didn’t want to cry.
15. He didn’t want to hire Ella.
16. Do you want to something?
17. Do you want to dance with me?
18. Does he want to visit to us?
19. Did they want to move to Toronto?
20. Did you want to watch a movie with him?