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[영어로잘물어보기] 6. Are you leaving tomorrow? 너 내일 떠나?

입영작 영어로 잘 물어보기

[Be동사+ing 로 확정된 미래 질문하기] ~해?

진행형처럼 생겼지만 쓰임은 전혀 다르다.
확정된 미래에 대해 물어본다.
너 내일 ~할래?(의지)
혹은 내일 ~할거니?(사전계획)보다
마치 기존 사실인냥
‘너 내일 ~ 해? (확정된 미래)’ 와 같은 말투와 비슷함.

입영작 영어로 잘 물어보기

*확정된 미래
Are you moving tomorrow? 너 내일 이사가?
Are they leaving today? 걔네 오늘 떠나니?
Is she coming to this party? 그녀는 이 파티에 와?
Are you working in Seoul tomorrow?
너 서울에서 내일 일하니?
Are you staying here for 3 days?
너 여기서 3일동안 머무르니?
Is she moving to Italy next week?
그녀는 다음주에 이탈리아로 이주하니?
Are you coming with your girlfriend?
넌 네 여자친구랑 오니?
Is she visiting her employees tomorrow?
그녀는 그녀의 직원들을 방문하니?

*~하지 않니 같은 부정적 말투의 질문
Aren’t you / Aren’t they / Isn’t she ~

Isn’t she coming here tonight?
걔 오늘밤 여기 오지 않니?
Aren’t you leaving tommorow?
넌 내일 떠나지않니?
Aren’t we having a meeting today?
우리 오늘 미팅갖지 않니?
Isn’t he bringing his computer?
그가 그의 컴퓨터를 가져오지 않니?

입영작 영어로 잘 물어보기

1. Are you coming back tomorrow?
2. Are you visiting your grandmother today?
3. Are they meeting next week?
4. Are your parents coming back today?

5. Is Ellie coming to your concert?
6. Are you meeting your boyfriend tomorrow?
7. Are we leaving Korea next week?
8. Is she getting merried next year?
9. Is he driving your car tonight?
10. Is she arriving at 5 pm?
11. Are you taking the test tomorrow?
12. Are you going to home soon?
13. Are you doing something tonight?
14. Is she buying a new building in Hongkong?
15. Are we moving to Paris?
16. Aren’t you moving to Busan?
17. Aren’t you working in Russia?
18. Isn’t he doing something tomorrow?
19. Isn’t she attending the meeting today?
20. Aren’t we watching the musical this weekend?