[How 형용사] 얼마나 (형용사)하니?
How 형용사 + Be동사 + 주어
How 형용사 는 [형용사]의 정도를 물어본다.
How sweet is this? 이거 ‘얼마나 달아요’?
How stupid are you? 넌 ‘얼마나 멍청한거니’?
How cool are you? 넌 얼마나 쿨하니?
How fat is he? 그는 얼마나 뚱뚱하니?
How sensitive are you? 넌 얼마나 민감하니?
How good is this ice cream? 이 아이스크림은 얼마나 좋니?
How fast is this Ferrari? 이 페라리는 얼마나 빠르니?
How deep is your love? 너의 사랑은 얼마나 깊니?
How tough are you? 넌 얼마나 터프하니?
How bad was your situation? 너의 상황이 얼마나 나빴니?
How lazy was he? 그는 얼마나 게을렀니?
How popular were you? 넌 얼마나 유명했니?
How easy was the test? 그 시험이 얼마나 쉬웠니?
How soft was the silk? 그 실크는 얼마나 부드러웠니?
How strict were your parents? 너의 부모님은 얼마나 엄격했니?
*be동사와 do동사 외에
can, would, be going to 등으로 활용 가능함
How hard can it be? 그게 얼마나 어려울수 있겠니?
How esay is it going to be? 그게 얼마나 쉬울건데요?
1. How old are you?
2. How tall are you?
3. How cute is she?
4. How cool is your boyfriend?
5. How far is your house?
6. How cheap is this shirt?
7. How expensive is this sports car?
8. How heavy is this box?
9. How long is this movie?
10. How old are they?
11. How nervous were you?
12. How fat were you?
13. How sexy was she?
14. How hard was the gum?
15. How slow was the turtle?
16. How fun was the movie?
17. How difficult was the test?
18. How sweet was the iced latte?
19. How cold was the water?
20. How hot was the soup?
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