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[영어로잘물어보기] 19. How much do you eat? 넌 얼마나 많이 먹어?

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[How 부사로 질문하기] 얼마나 (부사)하게 하니?
How 부사 + 질문형 문장

How 부사는 문장에서 [일반동사]와 함께 쓰여
어떤 행동을 ‘어느정도로’ 하는지 묻는다.

How perfectly can you sing? 넌 ‘얼마나 완벽하게’ 노래할수있니?
How sadly did he cry? 그는 ‘얼마나 슬프게’ 울었니?

마유영어 입으로 영어문장 만들기

How slowly do you walk? 넌 얼마나 느리게 걷니?
How much do you drink? 넌 얼마나 많이 마시니?
How early does he wake up? 그는 얼마나 일찍 일어나니?

How early did you arrive? 넌 얼마나 빨리 도착했니?
How late did you leave? 넌 얼마나 늦게 떠났니?
How hard did you throw the ball? 넌 얼마나 세게 공을 던졌니?
How long did he wait? 그는 얼마나 오래 기다렸니?

How fast can you rap? 넌 얼마나 랩을 빨리할수 있니?
How much can you lift? 넌 얼마나 많이 들어올릴수 있니?
How early can she come here? 그녀는 얼마나 일찍 여기에 올수있니?

*be동사와 do동사 외에
can, would, be going to 등으로 활용 가능함
How soon are you going to call me? 너는 얼마나 금방 나에게 전화할거야?
How long are you going to wait? 넌 얼마나 오래 기다렸니?
How far is she going to fly? 그녀는 얼마나 멀리 비행할거니?

마유영어 입으로 영어문장 만들기

1. How much do you eat?
2. How fast do you drive?
3. How hard do you study?
4. How slowly does she walk?
5. How deeply does he sleep?
6. How far did you go?
7. How long did they study?
8. How fast did you run?
9. How often did you visit Japen?
10. How late did you arrive?
11. How much did he drink?
12. How happily did they live?
13. How hard did you pinch him?
14. How early did he wake up?
15. How regulary did you exercise?
16. How high can you jump?
17. How low can you sing?
18. How fast can he swim?
19. How long are you going to stay here?
20. How soon are you going to leave?